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Product News

Latest Product news can be found here. GSHWorld spares no efforts to share our experience with you,so that you can find a better solution for your projects.And we share successful cases we have done for different industries, including L-glutathione (GSH),β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN),Oxidized glutathione (GSSG),S-Acetyl-L-Glutathione (SAG),Citicoline Sodium (CDPC).
Silver Quantum Dots Enhance Liver Absorption and Therapeutic Effectiveness of NMN and Metformin


NMN and metformin bound to microscopic nanocrystals called silver quantum dots enhance metabolic function using substantially lower doses in mice....

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The Role of NAD+ Consuming Enzymes in Aging and Disease


A research duo from WashU and MIT discusses the progress in determining cell enzyme consumers of NAD+ and their link to the anti-aging therapeutic NMN....

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The Combination of Melatonin and NMN Protects the Aged Heart from Injury


This combination treatment is a promising strategy to attenuate damage in aged hearts...

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Pre-Workout NR Does Not Alter Human Metabolic Response to Endurance Exercise


One week of nicotinamide riboside (NR) supplementation did not affect whole-body metabolic adaptation before, during, or after working out...

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Study Shows that NAD+ Precursors Reversion Blood Vessel Dysfunction


Nicotinamide mononucleotide represents an effective protective mechanism to maintain healthy endothelial cells...

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Enhancing NAD+ Can Restore Age-Related Muscle Degeneration in Human Cells


Study shows that NAD+ boosting reduces age-linked amyloid deposition and restores mitochondrial balance in muscle cells across species...

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NMN Reduces Metabolic Impairment in Male Mouse Offspring from Obese Mothers


Research supports NMN as a potential method to combat the intergenerational consequences of the obesity epidemic...

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NAD+ Precursor Improves Energy Production in Muscle of Diabetes Patients


Acipimox enhances human skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in clinical study...

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A Small Molecule That Activates NAMPT Boosts NAD+ Levels


SBI-797812 turns NAMPT into a “super catalyst” that more efficiently generates NMN...

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Infertility in Female Mice with Mitochondrial Mutations Remedied by NMN


Age-associated mitochondrial DNA point mutations reduce oocyte quality in humans, providing a potential biomarker for embryo viability in assisted reproduction...

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Study Shows NAD+ Supplementation Protects Eye Cells Following Retinal Detachment


Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) improved photoreceptor cell survival by increasing cellular health-promoting and antioxidant enzyme levels....

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NMN Improves the Blood-Brain Barrier Cell Response to Stress


NMN treatment improves blood-brain barrier cell survival and protects against harmful stress in metabolic disorders like diabetes....

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Study Proposes NMN as a Novel Therapeutic Approach to Combat Obesity


Japanese researchers uncover a new role for NAD+ and α-Ketoglutarate in the development of fat...

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Study Indicates NMN Has Anti-Aging Potential for Kidneys


NMN’s restoration of youthful kidney protein levels in aged mice may translate therapeutically to humans....

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NMN Inhibits the Onset of Liver Fibrosis


Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) injections inhibit mouse liver cells from driving scarring that leads to liver fibrosis....

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CD38 Enzymes on Immune Cells Drive NAD+ Decline with Age


Back to back research papers show CD38 enzymes on immune cells driving age-related decline of the critical molecule....

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Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN): Benefits, Side Effects & Dosage


One way that we might sustain healthy levels of NAD+ is by supplementing our bodies with its precursor, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)....

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